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Gislason, L., Genc, S., Thompson, S., Crawford, J., Jessing, J. Real-time optical thickness determination for producing ultra-thin silicon membranes using anisotropic potassium hydroxide etching. MRS Advances (2024).​



Theobald, N., Ledvina, D., Kukula, K., Maines, S., Hasz, K., Raschke, M., Crawford, J., Jessing, J., Li, Y. (2023). "Identification of Unknown Nanofabrication Chemicals using Raman Spectroscopy and Deep Learning". IEEE Sensors Journal.



Sahra Genc, Sally Thompson, Owen Hill, Leif Gislason, Dakota Rodriguez, Farjana Showme, Alex Motler, Sarah M. Schreiner, Adrian Gestos, Virginia L. Ferguson, and Jeff Jessing. "Morphological and mechanical characterization of a novel porous silicon membrane used in a lung-on-a-chip system". MRS Advances (2023).



Gentry, C., Liao, C., You, W., Ryan, S., Akin Varner, B., Shi, X., Guan, M., Gray, T., Temple, D., Meng, S., Raschke, M., Rossnagle, K., Kapetyn, H., Murnane, M., Cating-Sumramanian, E. November 2022. "Super-resolved time-frequency measurements of coupled phonon dynamics in a 2D quantum material".



Marcus Williams, Cooper Wiens, A Hamilton, Anne-Sophie Mancha, Madeline Stalder, Koby Vargas, Jerry Crawford, Yiyan Li, Sarah Schreiner, David Blake, Jeff Jessing. "Fabrication of a Novel Porous Silicon Biomembrane for Applications in Organ-on-Chip Technology Validated in a Lung-on-Chip Model System". Engrxiv. 2021 October.​



K. Kukula, D. Farmer, J. Duran, N. Majid, C. Chatterley, J. Jessing, and Y. Li, "Rapid Detection of Bacteria Using Raman Spectroscopy and Deep Learning", IEEE CCWC 2021



Arastu Sharma, Sehyun Lee, Hoonseo Kim, Hargsoon Yoon, Shinwon Ha and Sung Ung Kang, “Molecular Crosstalk Between Circadian Rhythmicity and the Development of Neurodegenerative Disorders” Front. Neurosci. 14. 844 (2020)



Maitreyee Pharande, Aslam Khan, Vu Pham, Thong Le, Laurie L. Wellman, Richard A. Britten, Larry D. Sanford, Hargsoon Yoon, "Analyzing functional connectivity in the brain using cross-correlation analysis of local field potentials," Proc. SPIE 11590, Nano-, Bio-, Info-Tech Sensors and Wearable Systems, 1159011 (22 March 2021);



Hoang Tran, Vu Pham, Thong Le, Hargsoon Yoon, "Signal processing to improve the speed and accuracy of electrical impedance tomography imaging," Proc. SPIE 11590, Nano-, Bio-, Info-Tech Sensors and Wearable Systems, 1159012 (22 March 2021);



Baldwin Varner, Thomas Coleman, and Doyle Temple, “Modeling surface acoustic wave coupled surface plasmon resonance in layered structures,” SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation Conference, Denver, CO. April 2019;  Proceedings Volume 10969, Nano-, Bio-, Info-Tech Sensors and 3D Systems III; 10969C:

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